Put into use the high-tech shrimp breeding area in Ninh Thuan province (10-01-2019)
The establishment of high-tech shrimp seed production area in Ninh Thuan province will overcome the situation of scarcity of shrimp seed and limiting poor quality in shrimp seed.
In Ninh Phuoc district, Duong Hung Aquatic Seed Company invested in infrastructure for production and distribution of shrimp seed under closed and high-tech process. Currently, this company has released more than 600 pairs of broodstock that have not been cut eyes. All broodstock are imported from SIS Company on the island of Hawaii, a famous brand of high quality broodstock supplier in the world. Advantages of those broodstock are that shrimp can breed in the same ways as the wild shrimp, so the shrimp seeds are healthy, well adapted to environment. This is an important factor which helps farmers limit the risk of disease.
The setting up of high-tech shrimp seed production area in Ninh Thuan province will contribute to overcome the scarcity of shrimp seed when entering the crop, as well as limited the poor quality shrimp seed on the market.
Huong Tra (source:vtv.vn)